507 years ago is the answer.
he preached mostly in the synagogue of Capernum
but he also was in the Roman Judea by the river Jordan cause he lived in Galilee. if the answer you need is a city, say galilee.
Oedipus is not destined to be the king of Thebes but he, however, rises to be. Although the throne is his birthright, his parents for fear of the fulfillment of the prophecy decide to kill him. The duty is delegated to a servant and Oedipus ends in the hands of the king and queen of Corinth. From the events that transpire after his birth, Oedipus is not predestined to be the king. He is at first thrown out of the throne. He only comes back to his homeland in fear of his fate. He manages to be the king because he has all that it takes to seize a throne.