Make sure both devices are enabled or are able to connect via Bluetooth. Set the tablet to "discover" mode. Or, you can have it scan for nearby Bluetooth devices. Select the device. Sometimes, you are prompted for a password or code. If you don't have the manual (which usually states it) you can use either 0000 or 1234.
The correct answer is option D, the last one! <3
Okay so what you would is press ctrl+alt+delete and click log out i think but if you have a disk put it in and secure everything trust me i am a computer savage. i hack thing all the time.
No it can not .............
File history
File history recovery method allows users to back up their personal files to an external drive or network share without administrative assistance. File History is a backup program that holds your personal files saved in the directories archives, desktop, favorites, and Contacts. It searches the file system regularly for changes, and copies modified files to a different location.