<span>two or more independent clauses and one or more subordinate clauses</span>
D. Impressive because of the recipients of her wealth
Abigail Adams was the wife of John Adams, the second president of the United States, and the mother of John Quincy Adams, the sixth president.
The given quote is from an article <em>Abigail Adams’ Last Act of Defiance</em> written by Woody Holton. Among other things, it tells about Adams' will, where she left her fortune to her female relatives and servants. She didn't include any male relatives or servants, except for her two surviving sons, in the will. This is why the contents of this will were impressive, almost shocking. Her husband, John, could've ignored the will because it wasn't legally binding, but he did everything she had written there.
This is why the correct option is option D.
It's a very interesting read. Just be sure that if you use any of the author's words, quotes or passages that you place quotation marks at the beginning of the quote, passage, or words " if your using your own words in that same quote be sure to use the blocks like this [ ] to show your teacher/professor that is your own words not from the author's. Also be sure to also end the quote, passage or words with another quotation mark like so " and add the authors last name right after the quotation mark then add the period. If required ( and most times it is) be sure to include a work cited page on a page of it's own, show the title. the author the date it was published where you got the information from, when you accessed the page and it's http website address. That's the MLA format I learned during my english college classes. There are some great website's to show how to do both MLA and APA formats