The vegetable oil is made up of chains of long fatty acids. These long chains of fatty acids are non-polar in nature, i.e, they do not interact through ionic forces rather by covalent forces. The phospholipids are also long chain fatty acids with an ionic head. The mixing of the vial of phospholipid in vegatable oil will lead to the formation of a micelle where the lipophilic ends of the phospholipid will be on the outside and the lipophobic end will be towards the centre of the micelle.
In humans, gametes are haploid cells that contain 23 chromosomes, each of which a one of a chromosome pair that exists in diplod cells.
A hypothesis is uneducated guess guess, or A guess you make before not knowing anything about the topic. The theory is A educated guess . Siri you would already know information about the topic and then putting your input
The papillary layer provides the layer above it, the epidermis, with nutrients to produce skin cells called keratinocytes. It also helps regulate the temperature of our skin and thus the body as a whole