1. I think the boy’s mental, emotional and physical health is impacted by it. He may feel like he’s not able to do it and that may be what causes his stomach ache. He’s worried that he may get a bad grade and that really affects his way of thinking. He could improve his situation by taking deep breaths and just thinking to himself that he will do his best on the test, because doing your best is all you can do.
2. This girl’s health is being affected mentally, emotionally and socially, because she’s going through a tough time, with having no one to talk it out with. Mentally, she may feel like she can’t do it anymore, because her grandma may have been a huge pet of her life and emotionally, she doesn’t know what to do. She should talk to an adult or a friend she trusts, and talk about what’s going on. Having someone to talk to that understands what she’s going through and knowing that she’ll be okay in the end can help her get back in track with her school work.
3. Both of these boys have their emotional and physical health affected. They may get angry easily and feel like they want to knock somebody out. If they keep fighting like they’ve had, their physical injuries could get worse. To solve their situations, they should learn to control their emotions better to prevent more physical injuries, because someday, that could make a difference between life or death.
4. This girl’s health is affected mentally and socially. Her being teased about her weight may make her insecure around others and think that she needs to be thin in order to be seen as attractive. If it affects her too much, it may possibly lead to her having an eating disorder. This can negatively impact her physical health if she goes as far as to starve herself and exercise or purging after every meal, which can affect her overall health alter in life. In order to prevent this, she should talk with a parent or a doctor about her weight problem to see if her weight problem is really that bad and if she needs to take action. Along with that, she can just simply start eating healthy foods and getting enough exercise each day. Dieting on your own is not a good idea, and it’s better to get advice from someone who can recommend good behaviors for losing weight.
5. This young man’s health is being affected mentally and physically. He’s very worried that he might not be able to make his night match and with him taking dietary supplements instead of food, it shows that he’s really worried about his body. He should know that even if he doesn’t make his night match, it’s not the end of the world, and that there will be other chances for him later on. Plus, taking a dietary supplement at his age is not a good idea. He should eat food to make sure he’s getting all of the nutrients he needs, because dietary supplements are NOT a food replacement and can lead to health risks. If he really needs dietary supplements, it should be prescribed by a doctor.
One reason to educate 7th graders about Morphine is because if excessively taken, then breathing problems can happen and asthma can start. Another reason is because since there is a high chance of you continuously using it, sedation and even comas could happen.