Las principales actividades económicas del virreinato fueron la minería, la agricultura (maíz, cacao y otros productos originarios de la antigua Mesoamérica), la ganadería (introducida por los europeos, quienes trajeron la mayor parte de los animales criados) y el comercio (limitado únicamente a las posesiones ...
There is an agreement of price and quantity in the market therefore all market forces stabilized and reached a price that consumers are willing to pay for goods and producers a price at which they are willing to produce in order to make a profit
i- wow i am so so sorry for u :(
I actually feel bad for you and now i feel lucky of what i have- if i compare myself to you i would have more- Now i feel like a d*** i was a brat my whole life when i knew their was people out their getting abuse.
<span>Corrupt Wiemar republic, huge unemployment and inflation where a wheelbarrow of money could buy only one loaf of bread. </span>