The New England Colonies were Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Hampshire. For the most part, they all followed the religion of Puritans expect for Rhode Island which gave religious freedom. It was difficult to farm in this area due to the mountains and poor rocky soil however they were successful in farming crops of corn, pumpkin, rye, squash, and beans. Due to the fact that they were along the coast, the colonists made most of their living by fishing and shipbuilding with the occasional whaling due to the benefit of being able to use whale oil for lamps. For the most part, each colony followed the same type of government; charter (self-governed) except for New Hampshire which had a royal (were ruled by the English Monarchy) type of government.
The middle colonies were made up by New York, Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. They were equally split with either following a royal type of government (New York and New Jersey) and proprietary type of government in which the King gave land to the people to form the colonies. (Delaware and Pennsylvania). For the most part, they were very diverse in regards to religion since they were, for the most part, Quakers, Catholics, Lutherans, Jewish, and others. In general, the land was good for farming but they also were important in the trade of many natural resources such as timber, furs, coal, and iron.
The Souther colonies were made up of Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Plymouth Settlement which was de-established in 1691. The only Colony which was not following an Anglican or Baptist religion was Plymouth which in addition to Anglican or Baptist religion it was also made up of Puritans. For the most part, the type of government was also the same for most of Virginia, North and South Carolina as well as Georgia following a Royal type of government, however, Maryland had a Proprietary type of government and Plymouth followed a Royal Charter style. The geography was very favorable for farming, the natural resources that resulted from these colonies were fish, timber from forests as well as crops.
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City on March 25, 1911 was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city, and one of the deadliest in U.S. history. The fire caused the deaths of 146 garment workers – 123 women and 23 men – who died from the fire, smoke inhalation, or falling or jumping to their deaths.