Marx and Engels identified two social classes: the exploiters who possess the means of production and exploited who must do all the work.
<h3>What is a Social class?</h3>
A social class is known to be a kind of a grouping of people and it is one that is made where people are said to be shared into a set of hierarchical social stages or groups.
Note that the most common are the upper, middle and lower classes. Membership in a social class is seen to be based on or dependent on education, wealth, occupation, and others.
Hence, Marx and Engels identified two social classes: the exploiterswho possess the means of production and exploited who must do all the work.
Learn more about social classes from
public class PostAccount
public void withdraw(float savings)
if (savings >=0 )
IllegalArgumentException exception
= new IllegalArgumentException("Savings cannot be negative");
throw exception;
balance = savings - withdraw;
IllgalArgumentException is a type of NumberFormatException of runtime exception. Here in the program we have created an object of IllgalArgumentException class and after that we have thrown the error to show the condition if it does not satisfy the if condition.
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