Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it very difficult to answer it exactly. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.
As you showed that the word "author" in line 10 was used as a proper noun, we can consider that the same word in line 4 was used in a general way and did not specify an exact person. This is because proper nouns are terms used to specify something or someone, as the question states that the word "author" was not used with the same meaning in line 4, we can consider that this is the difference.
The development of the Napoleonic Code was a fundamental change in the nature of the civil law system, making laws clearer and more accessible. It also superseded the former conflict between royal legislative power and, particularly in the final years before the Revolution, protests by judges representing views and privileges of the social classes to which they belonged. Such conflict led the Revolutionaries to take a negative view of judges making law.
During the 19th century, the Napoleonic Code was voluntarily adopted in a number of European and Latin American countries, either in the form of simple translation or with considerable modifications.
Before imperialism there was isolationism, which according to page 608 of the textbook was “the belief that America should stand apart, stay out of foreign wars, and avoid excessive political or economic involvement in foreign affairs”. This worked until 1846 when the US went to war with Mexico and gained four new states. With this new sense of power people begin to lean towards imperialism. Imperialism is “the policy or action by which one country controls another country or territory”. In 1893 there was an economic depression that led to an oversupply of manufactured goods that weren’t moving in America. In order to move these goods, businessman begin looking abroad. They believed that America needed to join the imperial competition and many military and political leaders agreed. A naval officer named Alfred Mahan published a book in which he wrote that in order for America to be a great world power we will need a great navy. This new imperial rule for the for America seemed to be justified by the idea of social Darwinism, which is basically just survival of the fittest.