<h2>In this case,visit to the Butchart Garden is an excludable and non-rivalrous good and is an example of a Club Good.</h2>
First,since the Burchart Gardens charges an admission fee of $30 for each visitor,anyone who has not paid the fee cannot or will not be able to have access inside the garden.Therefore,it is currently not a free service for all the visitors.In this sense,a visit to the Butchart Garden is excludable.It can be assumed that any visitor who wishes to come inside the garden and have a visit will have to mandatorily pay the admission fee.
Secondly,as Butchart Garden is a public area and anyone who pays the admission fee can officially gain access to the garden,enjoyment of the natural and aesthetic beauty of the garden by any one visitor does not reduce the simultaneous enjoyment of any other visitor who has paid the admission fee and hence,gained access to the garden.In economic language,if we consider the garden visit as a particular commodity,then the consumption of the commodity by any one visitor or consumer does not reduce the simultaneous consumption of any other visitor/s or consumer/s,provided that they have all paid the admission fee to gain access to the commodity or garden in this case.Therefore,visits to the Butchart Garden can be considered as non-rivalrous.
Now,since the visit to the Butchart garden is both excludable and non-rivalrous in nature,it can be considered as an example of a Club Good.
The real budgeted value of the work that has actually been performed to date.
Earned value refers to the three primary project success metrics: cost, schedule, and performance. It measures the actual work performed against its budget and schedule. Did the actual work performed corresponds to its work budget and was it performed on time following the schedule? Earned value represents how much of the project's budget has been performed to date, both in monetary and productive terms.
leveraging a firm's customers to promote a product or service
Viral promotion is a form of marketing in which a good or service is promoted using a firms' social network,
For example, if a firm is about to launch a new product and it wants to do a viral promotion, it would make use of the firms existing customers to promote the good
we can look at this problem from 2 different point of views:
if you have francs and wish to buy pounds: then you take 12 francs and purchase 1 ounce of gold, and then you sell it for 6 pounds. This way you will only spend 2 francs per each pound instead of 2.2.
if you have pounds and want to make a gain: you take 6 pounds and purchase 13.2 francs and you then buy 1.1 ounces of gold. Then you sell the 1.1 ounces of gold in exchange for 6.6 pounds.
Any of the scenarios does not include any transaction prices nor shipping costs, it is only theoretical.