The answer is Job perfomance= Motivation x Ability x Situational x Constraints
Because in this formula, job performance is how well someone performs the requirements of the job, motivation is the degree to which someone works hard to do the job well, ability is the degree to which workers possess the knowledge, skills, and talent to do the job well, and situational constraints are factors beyond the individual control of the empolyees. Such as policies, resources. Since job perfomance is a multiple function of motivation times ability times situational constraints, the job performance wil decline if one of those elements is considered insuficient.
Bill is probably a(n)
SBU manager.
Bill Wessels, as a strategic business unit (SBU) manager, is responsible for strategic planning, profitability, and performance of his business unit. The SBU is a separate identifiable business unit in an entity with other SBUs. It has a manager, who is largely autonomous in pursuing the business mission of the unit. It manages and accounts for its resource utilization separately from other units. Its performance is evaulated based on set criteria.
a. False
A "primary transaction" refers to the selling of <em>new stocks and bonds</em> for the first time towards the public. A great example of this is the "Initial Public Offering" <em>(IPO)</em> which allows "public share issuance."
On the other hand, a "secondary transaction" refers to the<em> trading of investors among themselves.</em> There is no involvement of the issuing companies here. So, this means that if an investor uses the services of a broker to buy and sell stocks that are currently being traded in the stock market,<u> the transaction</u><u> doesn't directly involve the issuing compan</u><u>y.</u> This kind of transaction is then called "secondary."
So, this explains the answer.
A private company, the company's stock, or its net is spread amongst few people, usually people close to the CEO/Owner.
A public company, the company's stock is available to purchase to anyone, and can be spread world wide.