Something that's abbreviated is shortened or condensed. ... The adjective abbreviated and the verb abbreviate both come from the noun abbreviation, with its Latin root, abbreviare, "make brief," from ad-, "to," and breviare, "shorten."
I've read the book or story and since there are no answer choices, I'm gonna just tell you what I think ok. The man is hitting the narrator on the head with an umbrella because he feels the need to, and soon the narrator learns that he can't live without it. The moral of the story is basically teaching a lesson
The active sentence is
→ C. Many people contributed to the invention of the telephone.
This sentence uses simple past tense
✐ formula past simple
(+) S + Verb 2 + O/C
(-) S + did + not + Verb 1 + O/C
(?) Did + S + Verb 1 + O/C?
Subject : English
Keywords : Active Voice, Past simple
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1. The highest temperature in microwave for reheating depends on the manufacturers, but a study shows that it can reach up to 191oC for reheating and up to 200oC for cooking [4]. Microwave-safe plastics are those being able to withstand without smelting.
2. Microwaving food in plastic can cause chemicals to leach to food. Migration is likely to be greater with fatty food such as cheese and meat.
3. The best types of plastic for kitchen are those don't contain phthalates (polyvinyle chloride) and bisphenol A (polycarbonate). By contrast, the worst contain one of the two.[1][2][3]
Phthalates and bisphenol A are endocrine disrupters, both are known as reproductive toxicants. So if you use plastic in microwave, choose the ones with microwave-safe label. It's because they must pass a strict safety test by FDA to come to the market.[1][2]