<span>I think he was saying "Shakespeare" cause it was reminiscent to him of better times, certainly 'cultural' better times, Winston in essence was really a man who tried to escape the banalities of his life, which the party so much was oppressing towards its people, the party really did its best to extinct every kind of 'culture' out of the people's mind, Winston here really showed that he had a great power of Will, he wasn't and wouldn't never give away his culture, he also to my opinion was an optimistic mind, the fact that he woke up with the word "Shakespeare" must have gone together with a(n very) optimistic smile, I think, and still phantazise about that!</span>
By adding a suffix! Some suffixes that are used could be:
<span>ate, en, ise ,ify</span>
Answer: could yu explane what you are trying to ask if you explane it better i might be able to answer it.
The answer is A.history of