1. water temperature of lakes and rivers rise - nuclear power plant. Water is used as a coolant to maintain the temperature of nuclear reactors. and the resulting water is warmed up.
2.carbon monoxide pollutes air - </span> internal combustion engine. Internal combustion engines release fumes of carbon monoxide.
3. fly ash of soot in air - </span>coal-burning power plant. Coal burning plants release ash produced in small dark flecks.<span>
4. soil contamination of water resources - </span>DDT spraying in agriculture. DDT washes off agricultural land into water resources.
5. sewage contamination of water resources -</span>population density. Urban areas produce a low of sewage, which is usually treated before being disposed of in rivers or the sea.
6. excess plant growth in the lakes or rivers - </span>phosphate detergents. In many rivers, algal growth is limited by phosphate. Once excess phosphate is released to rivers, exponential algal growth can occur.<span>
7.reduces farmland and plant life to cleanse air - </span>urban sprawl. Urban sprawl uses up land for houses in an inefficient manner that could have been used for farming or natural areas.
8. studies air,water, and land - </span>ecologist. Ecology is the study of <span>relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.</span><span>
To speed up chemical reactions by decreases the amount of energy needed In the reaction
Connell's famous barnacle experiment was initiated to learn more about competitive exclusion and distribution of branacle species. Barnacle species are distributed in distinct zones on the rocky shores of the Atlantic coast. The Chthamalus in upper intertidal zone; is a smaller species and the semibalanus in low intertidal zone which is a larger species. Chthamalus found in the higher physical stress and higher temperatures because the low tide levels causes them to be exposed to the extreme outside environment for longer periods of time than the semibalanus. Additionally barnacles can only feed while submerged and the higher up shore a barnacle is, the less it can feed and grow. The experiment wanted to understand why they lived this way.
Scientists who do this are doing what is considered to be and called cloning. Cloning is exactly this - taking cells from one organism and trying to produce and recreate an identical (from a genetic perspective) organism.
This can be done in a routinely fashion but there are serious ethical considerations nowadays.
Here are some. I discovered that the clean and unclean food and hygiene laws found in the Book of Leviticus have been based all this time on the God of Abraham's working knowledge of the germ theory of disease and the modern human body and other advanced fields of science unknown to mankind at that time and some fields of science still unknown to mankind today. These laws and instructions still apply to modern times for all humans to follow to help keep our bodies healthy and disease free until we grow old and die of old age.
Hope It Helps:)