3. Progress notes are a critical aspect of the patient's record. Because they are essential for treatment continuity, progress notes should be completed during or immediately after each visit and must be reviewed and approved by the treating clinician.
4. Not brushing & or flossing, rinsing
5. By brushing your teeth, flossing, and rinsing, Overall giving care to your Oral health.
1.Yes i will... / No i wont...
2.Yes she is.../ No she isn't
3... Follow..
The answer is A because it has a comma and they are excited about their trip
Verb moode: indicative
The verb mood that best expresses how space travel would change life on Earth would be indicative. The indicative is used to communicate real information through full sentences.
Indicative shows expressively and suggestively to tell the mood of the verb. Use the word indicative when you want to show that something is suggestive or serves as a sign of something.
The subject sets the idea/topic of the story whilst the theme alters and sets the mood for the subject of the story.