dance is an art. you should always go with your interest.
Answer:the phone WHICH is broken can't be fixed
This sentence would have to be corrected to:
According to Dr. James Peterman, it is extremely important to drink enough water every single day.
The last name in this excerpt, (Peterman), needed to be capitalized, as it was a proper noun. A proper noun is the name given to something to make it more specific.
The second part of the sentence need not be in quotes. Use quotation marks with <em>direct quotes</em>, with <em>titles of certain works</em>, to <em>imply alternate meanings</em>, and to write words as words.
The word "water" should not be in parenthesis. Parentheses are used to enclose incidental or extra information, such as a passing comment, a minor example or addition, or a brief explanation. The writer may choose to put additional information within parentheses or to set off the text using dashes or commas.
In addition to the physical differences between the two girls—Marcia was “cute,” but Cherry was “a real looker"—Ponyboy first realizes that Cherry and Marcia “weren’t alike,” by the way each girl handles the Coke Dally gives them.
Dally sees Ponyboy and Johnny at the movies with the two Soc girls and joins them. Dally thinks Cherry is attractive and he starts smart-talking her and saying inappropriate things to her. When he offers to bring everyone a Coke from the concession stand, Cherry is angry at the way that he has behaved and menaced them. She wants him to leave and tells him,
"I wouldn't drink it if I was starving in the desert. Get lost, hood!"
When Dally comes “striding back with an armful of Cokes,” and arrogantly says, “This might cool you off.” he hands one to each girl and their reactions are completely different. Cherry throws her Coke in Dally’s face, telling him,
"That might cool you off, greaser…”