The article of Confederation
The money and goods a person owned
The First correct answer is: "In both territories, settlers from differents U.S. regions engaged in widespread conflicts over the issue of slaver". The U. S. territory expansion fueled the debate of slavery because the rapid expansion took place to a mistreatment of native american and hispanic occupants.
The Second answer is, following the Manifiest destiny, while Texas was addmited to the Union as a state, the firmed idea was to expand to the Pacific Ocean and to take among all territory, urging national unity on behalf of “the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.”
i hope that’s right i don’t remember much but i’m pretty sure that’s what it is
It was the largest battle of the civil war. Battle was fought around Gettsburg in PA. Gen. George Mead led the Union Army of the Potomac and defeated Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. The defeat halted Lee's invasion of the North. The battle was the turning point of the war and the North eventually defeated the South after that.