A. It was courted by countries across the world that hoped to purchase its arms and supplies.
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Peter the Great was a czar in Russia that did some extensive reforms in an attempt to make Russia great. He started a lot of wars but it was to expand his Tsardom and it worked. It became a major European power. He also led a cultural revolution that replaced the more traditional and medieval social and political systems into a modern one with modern science and based on the enlightenment. He founded and developed the city of St. Petersburg which was the capital of Russia until 1917.
Peter reorganized the Russian army and dreamed of making Russia a maritime power. He faced a lot of opposition to these policies at home and he brutally suppressed rebellions against his authority, including by the Streltsy, Bashkirs, Astrakhan, and the greatest civil uprising of his reign, the Bulavin Rebellion.
1. Creation stories are the myths and legends common to many cultures. They explain how the world, or a single nation, or even a particular human came to life. Also, lost cities, mythical creatures, and sacred objects.
2. Historical linguists trace a legend back to its roots by tracing its language to a common ancestor.
3. Common muthemes in myths and legends are a supreme being, creation, apocalypse, judgment, life after death, and good vs. evil.
4. The themes that sacred myths often have in common are the theme of right vs. wrong.
5. Some of the shared symbols of sacred mythology are color, creature, character, and/or a physical object.
The Reconstruction Amendments
The Reconstruction Amendments, or the Civil War Amendments