Let me handle your first question -- always good to do one question at a time here. :-)
Prior to President Theodore Roosevelt, those who preceded him in federal government had tended to side with industry leaders, expecting laborers to fall in line and do the work for the good of the companies. In 1902, when there was a particularly tense strike by coal workers, Roosevelt invited both sides (labor leaders and management leaders) to the White House to negotiate. This was an example of the way he saw the role of government leadership as "steward" to the nation, mediating on behalf of everyone's interests, not just the interests of a powerful small group. His "Square Deal" policies were aimed at making things fair and square for the general public. An example of this would be how much land was set aside under his administration as national forests, national parks, national monuments, etc. He was seeking to protect the use of the land for all Americans' interests, rather than letting corporations tear into any land or forest they wanted in order to grab natural resources.
Rural people had farms and thus needed more workers so they just had a bunch of kids to help out. if the city they didn't need a bunch of kids.
No worries the Malcom x charter was elevated from the blooodloine
Britain had an elite society that welcomed industrialization while Russia did not.
British elites were open to the idea of investing into railways and factories. Politically, the British also had a parliament that allowed some form of representation in the government. There was also no more serfdom at the time of industrialization in the early 1800s. On the other hand, Russian elites were very opposed to investing or industrialization as this could threaten their wealth that they already accumulated. Serfdom was still legal in Russia until March 3 1861 when Alexander II abolished it, which meant that many peasants were tied to the land and could not migrate to urban areas. Furthermore, Russia was fully autocratic unlike Britian and only saw the implementation of a parliament in 1905. All of this meant that Britain's industrialization was very quick and significantly earlier than Russia's.