Natural gas does not produce greenhouse gases as other energy sources do."
The answer, "Coal deposits are found on nearly every continent and mining coal poses few risks." shows only how it can be a better option, but does not show how it can benefit.
The answer, "Petroleum is relatively inexpensive compared to other forms of energy." only shows how it can be a better option, but does not show how it can benefit.
The answer, "Nuclear power increases water vapor in the atmosphere." does not clearly state how this benefits us.
The DNA replication products visualized during the sanger method of DNA sequencing are observed in which nucleotides are added.
Sanger sequencing is based on the process of DNA replication. A scientist creates a copy of his DNA strand. Then observe which nucleotides have been added. This way you can see the sequence of nucleotides. A laser excites the fluorescent labels in each band and a computer detects the resulting light.
Sanger sequencing produces extension products of various lengths ending in dideoxynucleotides at the 3' ends. Extension products are separated by capillary electrophoresis or CE. Molecules are injected by an electric current into a long glass capillary filled with gel polymer. Selective incorporation of chain-terminating dideoxynucleotides by DNA polymerases during in vitro DNA replication.
Learn more about DNA replication
1. Our results showed that test tube B contained end products of protein digestion, meaning that the isolated enzyme has the ability to break down protein. The end products of protein digestion include small polypeptides, dipeptides, and amino acids. In general, test tube B will contain the building blocks of proteins, which are the amino acids.
2. The two test tubes were placed in a hot water bath at 37oC. This is because the enzyme studied is a human enzyme and it works best at the human body temperature, which is approximately 37oC.
Enzymes are biological catalysts, which means that they accelerate chemical reactions. As a result, an enzyme's activity is greatly affected by temperature. Every enzyme, depending on each function and origin, has a specific range of ideal temperature conditions. If the temperature rises above the maximum accepted, then the enzyme denatures and loses its structure.
3. If the enzyme studied was added in a tube containing starch instead of proteins, then nothing would happen. This is because the enzymes are highly specialized and have very specific actions. It has been proved that this enzyme's activity involves the digestion of proteins.
Starch is a polysaccharide produced by plants, this means that starch is a carbohydrate. Given that starch is not a protein, it will not be digested by the enzyme. An enzyme digesting proteins, will not have any effect on carbohydrates.
4. The smaller molecules which are the result of the digestion happening in the digestive system are absorbed by the human body. More specifically, the products of protein digestion are absorbed by the intestine and then transported into the bloodstream. From the blood, they are then absorbed by other tissues.
After they are absorbed, they are used to build muscles or other compounds which can produce energy.
In the periodic tables metals are on the left side and nonmetals are in the right side.... so we can know whether an element is metal or nonmetal by it's position on the periodic table..