Compound microscopes have more than one lens to generate high magnification images of flat, thin specimens. There are three major structural parts of a microscope: Head, Base, and Arm. ... The light is then collected and formed an image by an objective lens. We see the magnified images through the eyepiece
MRNA or messenger RNA. As the central dogma of biotech goes, DNA is transcribed to mRNA which is translated to tRNA, after which the amino acids form peptide bonds and form proteins. So when you see transcription, the first thing you think of is DNA to mRNA.
They all contain a transparent part with at least one curved surface that reflects light.
The predator is a type of animal or bird species which kill other animals to obtain its food. The prey is the animal which is killed by the predator. According to the given situation, if the predator species A is eliminated, the population of the predator B will likely increase because there will be no competition between the two species for the same prey. And the chances of predator B obtaining the prey will increase. Hence, the population will increase.