Kenya gained its independence from Britain with Jomo Kenyatta as the country’s first Prime Minister. The Union Jack was replaced by the black, red and green flag of the new nation. This followed the first all inclusive elections on 27 May 1963. A year later Kenya was declared a Republic. The campaign for independence in Kenya dates back to the 1940s before Kenyatta became the leader of the Kenya African Union (KAU) in 1947 and birth of the Mau Mau rebel movement. In 1952 in response to the Mau Mau rebellion, the government declared a state of emergency which lasted for eight years. During the state of emergency a number of Mau Mau operatives, including Kenyatta and Achieng Aneko were arrested. In 1953, Kenyatta was charged with leading the Mau Mau rebellion and sentenced to seven years in prison. When Kenya became a Republic on 12 December 1964, Kenyatta was named Kenya's first president, with Jaramogi Oginga Odinga as his vice-president.
"Dollar diplomacy" aimed at keeping financial stability in the Caribbean basin area and at expanding and protecting financial and commercial American interests. The Taft´s foreign policy especially encouraged US businesses to invest in the Caribbean, the administration hoped that it would have a stabilizing effect on weak governments there. Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic are examples of the application of "dollar diplomacy."
The British Empire felt that it was right for them to tax the colonists in order to compensate for protecting them and their land during the French and Indian War.
The sinking of the Maine incited United States' passions against Spain, eventually leading to a naval blockade of Cuba and a declaration of war. Ostensibly on a friendly visit, the Maine had been sent to Cuba to protect the interests of Americans there after riots broke out in Havana in January.
The outcome of second world war liberated the asian people towards the freedom struggle from the foreign rule.
<h3>What was the foreign rule in India during 20th century?</h3>
The foreigners who ruled india were the Britishers who belonged to England, came in india for trading and ended up ruling for 200 years.
In India freeedom stuggle was started as Mahatma gandhi retuned from africa in 1915 and after 5 years he started with the non cooperation movement with non violence.
Learn more about non cooperation movement here: