Answer: Upheld the right of the newspapers to print the document.
New York Times Co. v. United States was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court in 1971. The ruling made it possible for the New York Times and the Washington Post to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers without censorship.
The question was whether the freedom of the press, guaranteed by the First Amendment, was subordinate to the need to maintain secrecy as stated by the executive branch, President Nixon. The court claimed that the First Amendment protected the freedom of press of the newspapers.
The biggest conflict of Roman occupation of the Jewish faith was the Roman religious culture.
The Dutch colonial empire (Dutch: Nederlandse koloniale rijk) comprised the overseas territories and trading posts controlled and administered by Dutch chartered companies—mainly the Dutch West India Company and the Dutch East India Company—and subsequently by the Dutch Republic (1581–1795), and by the modern Kingdom of the Netherlands after 1815.[1] It was initially a trade-based system which derived most of its influence from merchant enterprise and from Dutch control of international maritime shipping routes through strategically placed outposts, rather than from expansive territorial ventures.[2][1] The Dutch were among the earliest empire-builders of Europe, following Spain and Portugal.
The Harding administration responded to growing public fears of communists and anarchists by empowering the Justice Department to take broad measures to arrest and deport radicals.