here are some adjectif for skin
lush, tawny, smooth facial, loose, wrinkled, grubby, sweaty, white pallid, translucent immature, rich tanned, anaemically pale, dangerously pale, green rubbery, sure smooth, lightly corrugated, hairless, leathery, fleshy segmented, frigid extra, dark tanned, old larval, almost chalk-
B. Jude must be playing in his room
The Aquarium is gone. Everywhere, / giant finned cars nose forward like fish
frayed flags / quilt the graveyards of the Grand Army of the Republic.
he seems to wince at pleasure / and suffocate for privacy
<em>The Canterbury tale by Geoffrey Chaucer,</em> what the reader infer about the Friar through the following lines is that he will use people for money. Like the prioress and the monk, Friar too fails to establish any of the expected virtues. He arranged marriages by sounding generous because the young women are his mistresses and moreover pregnant.
Further, he injects money through committing the sin of selling "forgiveness' which is supposed to be freely given. Moreover, he kept no acquaintance with the sick or poor. He was a corrupt person, for the private gains he destroys the base of faith in people which was his duty to serve.