dear friend,
I noticed you have an interest in recycled items. so i thought it would be nice to tell you some more stuff you can recycle! Glossy Magazines, cardboard
, plastic cups and bottles, aluminum cans, old glass jars and bottles. there are so many things you can recycle and make into something new!
your friend,
(your name here)
Sorry if I get it wrong but I think I might have your answers:
I. I’ll give the a wind, this means I will give you a hint, wind is no longer commonly used
II. And the very ports they blow, all the quarters that they no i’th shipment card. This is language that is not commonly used
III. I’ll dry him as hay this it’s figuratively speaking that the person would be so Drained until they could go on no more
IV. Sleeps on either night nor day, means not to sleep ever.
V. Where has thou been, sister, possibly means where have you been
VI. Sister where are thou this should mean where is her sister
VII. Killing swine meaning is a person compared to a pig because he kills
VIII. I’m like all right without a tail, I’ll do, I’ll do, and I’ll do, this is a figurative speech and comparing a rat without a tail the keep going and going and going with stopping at nothing
IX. A sailor‘s wife has Chestnut in her lap, and munched, and munch, and lunch, means she had chestnuts and continues to eat them until they were gone or she was just waiting for something
X. Give me GUOTH I: around thee witch the rump ronyon cries this language is not commonly used while talking to the witch
XI. But In a sieve, ill thither sail. This could mean that in a moment I shall continue to sail
XII. Her husbands Alppeo gone, master o’ the tiger, her husband died
We need examples of statements unless you’re talking generally then there is way too much information to cover for this questions but “Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird, That cannot fly.” Is quote said by Langston Hughes. You can interpret this to have meaning to MLK because he literally writes a momentous speech called “I have a Dream”.
We can not see the picture that is pianted on the wall. I assure you to submit this question again and attach a picture.
Have a nice day:)
Our way to the park was lost by us yesterday
tomorrow the cafe will be having me in here
too many questions are asked by our teacher in our class