The larger social problem is that hierarchies exist and their is no one way explains all. We all have our own stories, and how we became the people we are. Stereotypes and assumptions are not the standard for judgement when judging individuals. The similarities sometimes exist because we have created a world that makes it that way. It also has to do interpretation and point of view.
Neoliberalism is widely associated with policies such as removing trade tarrifs and barriers, it entails a free market system.
It's influence has liberalized the international movement of capital and limited the power of trade union, it gives enough power to market as it dominates our lives.
Answer: Identity foreclosure
Identity foreclosure could be defined as the stage of the life of an individual where the individual has identified his or her self but their decisions are not independent yet, as their decisions, ideas are still dependent or learnt from friends and family. This is popularly observed with youths around 18 years. Lol falls into this category, although she's matured and can make decisions on her own but she still accepts the decisions of her family without questioning them.