Monumental architecture is built to serve an intrinsic artistic purpoose, and an extrinsic purpose in terms of religious and political power.
The intrinsic purpose is simply to create something that applies the most important or favored artistic techniques of the time. And the extrinsic purpose is to demonstrate the power and wealth that is held.
For example, the Roman Emperor Neron wanted to build a large palace called the Domos Aurea. He wanted the palace to be built under the best Roman architects of the time, and also wanted it to serve as a place of worship, for himself. He wanted to wield both political and religious power, as a sort of semi-devine figure, through the completion of the palace.
Military conquests by the Arab Empire ...
I think that's the best answer.
I'm guessing B, (to punishment) :p
Humanism is a big role in this. Humanism is the idea of thinking more about the individual (The things people felt and created were just as important as faith and religion)
Since philosophers were now thinking with humanism influencing them, they thought more about the individual person themselves and their role in society. Unlike earlier thinkers who thought about people as a whole and the Church's role in society. People began to come up with the ideas that the Church is not the answer to everything.