When deciding on someone to support in an election you must pay attention to what they say and what they do. Even though they might say they would do something for the country in the future doesn't mean they would actually do it. So look at what they've done in the present and past to determine what they say they will do in the future and pay attention to the way the speak mood and tone always factor into things like that.
See:new people animals and land
Taste:new food
They experienced floods and droughtt so they couldn't grow crops
Dharma is a belief found in Hinduism and other Indian traditions that a person has a duty or obligation to live an honorable life. ... Dharma stands for law, obligation and duty. To follow one's dharma means to perform one's duties and live in an honorable way.
Harappa used fertile land from the Indus River to farm and trade.
The close proximity with the Indus River, provide Harappa with a couple of benefits :
1. It provide source of water that is really important for the growth of crops and animals. On top of that, it made the land surrounding the river became fertile and rich in nutrients. Make it it really easy for various type of crops to grow.
2. It can be used as medium of distribution. People of Harappa can use boats to reach another region using the river. This is how they conducted trades with other civilization.