Yes, I believe it could be considered a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Self-fulfilling prophecy is a result of the Pygmalion effect. According to this theory, we are influenced by other people's expectations of us. If people believe we will succeed, for example, we too begin to believe we will succeed. For that reason, we change our behavior, aligning it with the belief, making a self-fulfilling prophecy out of it.
In the short story "Harrison Bergeron", Harrison is a fourteen-year-old who is considered to be above average in a world that does not allow people to be anything but average. Intelligent and/or beautiful people are forced by the government to wear handicappers, so that others won't feel offended or humiliated. Treating Harrison like that - forcing him to wear loads of handicappers - convinces him that he is superior, that he is special, that he deserves to show how wonderful he is to the world. People's expectations of Harrison create a self-fulfilling prophecy. He will now inevitably act as if he were really as handsome and intelligent as others claim him to be.
Harrison appears on TV after escaping from where he was kept. He removes his handicappers and dances with a ballerina, until they are both shot and killed. If Harrison were truly superior, truly exceedingly intelligent, he would have known better than to do that. His actions were not the result of his real intelligence, but of his being treated as being more intelligent than others.
A he believed the colonies must be independent that’s why he’s one of the main singers of the Declaration of Independence and has his own money
A metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to make a comparison between two things that aren't alike but do have something in common. A metaphor uses this similarity to help the writer make a point: ... Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks.
<span>I would say: It's the complexity of words used in writing or speech.
The conflict in this excerpt is that the main character, Darius, is concerned about this situation that takes place at his school every morning and he wants to do something about it, but his friends make fun of him and are not interested in what he has to say. So, Darius on one hand has a list with possible solutions, like early-arriver incentives, but on the other hand he doesn't get the support he needs in order to propose them because he seems to be the only one who is concerned about this situation.