Congress has 4 ways to check the power of the Supreme Court. Legialatively they can pass new laws or by the ammendment process change the constitution. The other checks are they can adjust the size of the court, impeachment of Justices and the confirmation process of the Court justices.
Answer: Which statement best describes the slaves in ancient Athens?
Three-fifths compromise, compromise agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention (1787) that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives.
the foreign exploitation of their territory and resources
The Chinese people were struggling for several centuries, especially after they fell under the rule of the Manchu. The Manchu rulers were of different ethnic group, and they didn't had in their best interest the Chinese identity and unity, but the opposite. These rulers also allowed the European colonial powers to bribe them, and with it to be granted the best Chinese ports and the area surrounding them. This led to economic downfall of China, as the profit from the trade through their ports was going in the European pockets, and their natural resources were used, but the Chinese people were not getting anything from it. This led to revolt, and gradually to revival of the nationalism in China. The people started to unite for their common interest, and to work together for their best interest.