Famine and the rise of local leaders allowed the Hyksos to use their greater technology to conquer Lower Egypt.
I believe it was a trial upon Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. The couple were accused of selling nuclear secrets to the Russians, but treason could not be held since the U.S was not at war with the Soviet Union.
460 to 446 BCE and the second and more significant war from 431 to 404 BCE. With battles occurring at home and abroad, the long and complex conflict was damaging to both sides but Sparta, with financial help from Persia, finally won the conflict by destroying the Athenian fleet at Aegospotami in 405 BCE.
Hope this helped Stay safe!
Impressment refers to the act in which men were captured and forced into naval service. While many nations at various times in history have employed a policy of impressment, the term is usually used in reference to Great Britain's Royal Navy