In 1479, at the end of the Castilian War of Succession, which involved Portugal against the Catholic Monarchs, the Treaty of Alcáçovas was signed and a period of rapproachement between Spain and Portugal began. The text also settled several pending territorial issues between the two Crowns: the Canary Islands belonged by right to Castile; the Kingdom of Fez, the Azores and Madeira islands, Cape Verde, Guinea and the right of navegation beyond the Canaries, were recognized to Portugal.
For that reason, when being the Portuguese territories to the east of the Spanish ones, their explorations continued in that direction. This is how, bordering the African continent, the Portuguese explorers reached the Indian Ocean, where they formed colonies dedicated to expand their trade.
Portugal created small commercial bases in several points of Africa and the Indian Ocean, obtaining presence in the most important commercial routes of that tim, and began to charge those who passed through its colonies.
Portugal lost its power when, in 1581 in the middle of a dynasty crisis, the Spanish Crown came to the Portuguese throne. However, in 1668 Portuguese sovereignity over its territory was restored.
Portugal continued administrating colonies until 1970.
The occupation which began in 1969 caused Native Americans to remember what the island meant to them as a people. Although the Alcatraz occupation inspired many other Pan-Indian movements to occur, it also showed how gender played a part in Indian activism.
Stamp Act Congress.
The colonial group which was formed first is the Stamp Act Congress and it was established on the 7th of October, 1765 in New York city. The Stamp Act Congress is also referred to as the Continental Congress of 1765.
Stamp Act Congress was a meeting which comprised of various elected representatives from the British colonies of North America. The meeting was considered to be the first of its kind and was presided over by the chairman of the Congress, Timothy Ruggles.
The main purpose of the Stamp Act Congress was to create a uniform group protest against the new taxation imposed by the British.
Hence, the American colonist saw the Stamp Act as an internal tax because it required the use of uniquely stamped paper or payment for wills, calendar, diplomas, newspapers, playing cards and other legal documents. Thus, the elected representatives from the British colonies of North America opposed it strongly by devising a protest.
<span>A DEO REX , A rege lex- the king is from God and law is from the king - James 1st. This quotation best reflects the concept of DIVINE RIGHT RULE.
They believe that because the king is from God, the laws that the king makes is also from God and has divine approval.</span>