One way the cold war effected berin was that it was seperated into two part one was control by the ussr (now russia today) and the other was contrroled by america, and was sepereated by a wall known as the iron curtain.
Answer:According to Beveridge, if we let the Philippines go, who will gobble them up? Beveridge believes if they do not choose to govern the Philippines, countries such as Germany, England, and Japan would take over
Preamble: Both preambles begin with “We the People”, demonstrating that it is from the people that government secures its power.
Articles: There are seven articles in the U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution has 12 articles. The Bill of Rights was added to the U.S. Constitution in 1791 while the Florida Declaration of Rights was included in Florida’s last constitution, which was ratified in 1968.
Amendment Process: Both constitutions are “living documents” as each provides for making changes (amendments). The U.S. Constitution is amended by elected federal and state legislators while the Florida Constitution is amended by voters.