it is the report of knowing what you are doing in 6 different ways
Sumeria: un vistazo a la Antigüedad
Se tiene conocimiento de la existencia de esta civilización alrededor del año 3.500 a. C., aunque su origen no se conoce con seguridad. Lo cierto es que no se sabe si los sumerios provienen de la propia Mesopotamia o si llegaron emigrados de otros territorios.
What brought Diocletian to realize that a division was necessary was
that the empire was too large to be ruled by one person only. The
correct answer is D. Diocletian was a Roman emperor who made this unique
move in the history of leadership at the time, and that was to split
his already huge empire into four parts. These four parts were to be
ruled by four "emperors," which was the beginning of "tetrarchy," meaning
the rule of four.