Richard went gallently off to war, leaving his brother, an incompetent ruler, in his stead. John was so bad that the Magna Carter was signed on his watch. That was helpful because it took some of the monarch's power away. It didn't help everyone since it only gave rights to some of the nobility, but it was a start.
That was one effect of the crusades in England. Richard the Lionhearted likely would have had the same difficulties that John had to cope with. Richard was not a great politician (he put rebellions down with force), but he was a very gifted military technician. John faced the problem of having not much of an army to resist those wanting him to sign the Magna Carta. That should get you started.
More Americans opposed Germany due to their use of unrestricted submarine warfare.
The Lusitania was a British ship that was sunk by German troops. Among 1200 passengers who died in the attack, 128 were Americans.This angered the Americans, who condemned the attack on an unarmed passenger ship without prior warning.
Trends in Latin American population growth over the past 50 years are best described as "increasing" and predominantly in the cities or places with urban reach.
They were too large and expensive - typically a computer would fill a room and would have to have its own power supply.