Peperropos depe nipinepes
Sextus is often annoying Davum; Davus does not love Sextus. Marcus and the slave catch sight of the girl. Magna's voice frightened the girl. Magna's finger climbed onto sextus. Davus, who heard the crash, is angry.
Oh wow, that really was a Latin paragraph!
citra:1. sl gambar, lukisan, arca. 2. gambaran atau imej peribadi seseorang (barangan, organisasi, dll): yg menarik tentang cerita tersebut ialah usaha Arena Wati utk membina ~ wanita; bercitra memiliki atau mempunyai gambaran tentang peribadi seseorang (barangan dll); citraan kaedah (cara) membentuk gambaran seseorang atau sesuatu; kecitraan hal (sifat) yg berkaitan dgn citra; percitraan perihal bercitra: pelbagai aspek sastera spt tema, plot, ~ dapat menonjolkan ciri-ciri keindahan novel itu. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
nusa :1. pulau: ~ Tenggara; 2. tanah air, tanah tumpah darah: mempertahankan ~ dan bangsa.
It means there is no, this is the name of a school
A) 날짜, 주 및 별의 규칙없이 저녁 식사를 위해 집에 오는 사람의 어원.
가지고있는 단어를 쓰십시오.
అది ఉందా? ఏమి ఉంది?
దిశ పూర్తి కాకపోతే నేను దీనికి సమాధానం చెప్పలేను.
please complete the direction, so that i can give you a correct answer :)
translate it and check
... T: The second question of the "cloak" lesson is a short story as soon as the last patient slipped out of the clinic, pointing his face to the palm of his palm until I jumped out of my seat and took my bag and woke it up and I was more important to go out 11 | ..... "The sentence "Masanda" is his face to the palm of his palm.