There is no variety in asexual reproduction
My favorite animal is a cheetah. I have three reasons of liking the cheetah with consists of these fine abilities/skills/cool things. I like how the cheetah has a really pretty coat of spots and speckled with really makes it stand out and look different. I also like that the cheetah is lightning fast, but it's sad it can only run 60-70 miles per hour for a short period of time. I Also like that cheetahs can be in zoos and also can be trained, petted, and can also (rarely) have babies. Cheetahs need to be saved because they are starting to get really rare and endangered.
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Ten arms! Hope this helps!
Autotrophs. An organism like a green plant that can make its own food are called an autotrophs. Autotrophs can make their own food through the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is present in these organisms, a mechanism where they gather, water from the soil, heat from the sunlight though the pigment called chlorophyll and carbon dioxide in the air to manufacture and generate its own food. Autotrophs are also the primary sources of food in the food chain which contains immense amount of calories.