As more white men were enlisted in the armed forces, African Americans
and women needed to take over the jobs of those men so that America
would be able to manufacture tanks, airplanes, ships, guns, submarines,
jeeps, etc. This gave them the ability to obtain jobs after the war and
helped make equal work opportunities for people of all races and sexes
in the 50s and 60s
Porcelain & tea innovation of the Song Dynasty(AD 960-1280) has the greatest impact on the expansion of global empires.It was really in the Song Dynasty that tea reached its cult status. It was drunk out of very beautiful, extraordinarily exquisite tea bowls made from porcelain, one of the glories of the Song Dynasty.The word "china" is appropriate for porcelain, because the Chinese developed the technology for its production. The Song Dynasty ceramic industry was basically the first commercialized industry.They produced the pieces in mass quantities for the imperial palace, but also for this newly arisen class of scholar-officials and an urban elite and for these restaurants.
This is an Anti-Federalist point of view
Anti-Federalists claimed that the Constitution gave the central government too much power. They wanted a weaker central government. At first, they opposed the ratification of the Constitution because of the supposed imbalance of powers.
Federals wanted a strong central government as they believed this was the key to a better nation.
The Bill of Rights was proposed to appease the Anti-Federalists.
Comparing the untouched united states during the time before it was settled by Europeans to modern america