A delegated power is a power given to the national government. An example is coining money, declaring war, and making treaties with other nations. A reserved power is a power specifically reserved to the states. Powers include setting up local governments and determining the speed limit
The answer is true.
Article V (Five) of the Constitution.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "TRUE." Changes in immigration law have contributed to the recent increase of newcomers from Africa. This statement is true as far as the changes in the immigration is concerned.
Is false (F)
On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act or the Selective Draft Act becomes law:
"All male citizens, or foreign non-enemy male persons who have declared their intention to become citizens" between the ages of 21 and 30, must register for military service.
Although there were conflicts and protests (New York and New Jersey), alleged draft evaders, pejoratively called "idlers," were arrested around the United States.
Supreme Court Rules Draft Constitutional (Jan. 7, 1918)
The recruitment system remained effective until May 1919 when selective service boards and state recruitment headquarters were closed.