It’s the second third and last box
A man who lusts obsessively after a woman is afflicted lechery.
Creon is the tragic character in the play “Antigone”. Creon's tragic flaw, hubris, causes his downfall. Creon will not listen to anyone. He is stubborn and his pride is so great, he can not bring himself to acknowledge that he could ever wrong.
Answer:You click the brain on the top right of the answer.
Bilateral: Did you know The brain has bilateral symmetry?
2. to have bilateral hearing is very essential for sound locating.
3. she had no idea if this is actually true or not, but perhaps bilateral agreements aren't necessarily better.
Bipartisan: The political system of the United States has its bipartisan way.
2.They just need a few Republican votes so they can claim bipartisan support.
3.We had to finish a bipartisan project in order to submit the survey
Bisect: I had to bisect the orange in order to share with my sister.
2. we had to bisect a frog in our science class.
3. I had to bisect the honey melon if I wanted to remove the seeds.