The painting gives off a livley Vibe. There are many characters portrayed in the painting and it looks like there are different techniques used on the painting. It's got an equal amounts of dark and light along with shadowing and highlights. It looked like the characters are having a wonderful time gathering in what looks to be a sunny spring day
Sorry I don't know if this helped. it was hard trying to find the right words to word for the composition. Composition means many things like technique art style the highlights and shadows and stuff like that. So I tried to make a response involving most of what composition was
It is one of the most prominent chord progressions in popular music.
Andrea Mantegna, and Vincent Van Gogh,Thomas Eakins,Anna Boch,Kate Greenway,Mary Stevenson Cassatt,Hannah Hoch,and Kurt Schwitters. These are all the artists known for their collages.
New recording technology, new musical technology and new listening technology has meant that the way of music has been changed completely. The way we listen to music has changed dramatically. ... Many artists rely on auto tuning technology, so that any imperfections in their pitch or tone can be instantly corrected.
autotune basically is the one reason ppls songs sounds good everyone uses auto tune without ppl sound like trash
Keeping it simple means that the reason for your photograph is clear and understandable.