Let's take a look at the phrase:
<span> Jealousies will be always arising;
insurrections will be constantly happening
both parts have the structure of
noun-plurar WILL BE adverb verb-ING.
So we see that both parts have a similar structure; we call it a parallel structure - the strategy is parallelism, the use of parallel structures to highlight a similarity between two things
When CITING A SOURCE in the body of your paper, which of the following are appropriate (“true”) practices?
You don’t need to cite page numbers when quoting.
You don’t have to cite authors in the text as long as you cite them in the reference list.
You must use quotation marks and page citations of the author when citing the words directly.
You must indent quoted material in a block if the quote is longer than three lines.
You can avoid using quotation marks if you change every 4th or 5th word in the quote.
You must use page citations when you paraphrase.
You should avoid using quotes from other authors in your own writing.
Begainner csgsgzhshhshshshsuhshshshshshshhshshhshshsushhs
Answer, normal text will be plot, underlined will be setting, bold will be character:
<u>It was the middle of the morning when she stepped out into the beautiful kingdom of ice. The animals watched as the sun started to set. The forest all around them grew black with night.</u> The king was a proud and powerful man. Even though he was only as tall as a dandelion, he commanded the entire room’s attention. Kenneth entered the dark cave and defeated the dragon. Now that he’d protected the city, he could finally marry the princess. The young boy stood his ground as the large snake attempted to attack him. He stepped to the side and used his gleaming sword to frighten it away. The boy was about 12 years old. He’d never been outside his village, but he dreamed of seeing distant kingdoms and learning about the world.
they help explain what happened
they help explain why things happened
they help show how Arnetta was like
they help develop what Arnetta was like
a b c d