There are in Timbuktu numerous judges, teachers and priests, all properly appointed by the king. He greatly honors learning. Many hand-written books imported from Barbary are also sold. There is more profit made from this commerce than from all other merchandise.
okay so I don't believe in the whole pro choice but but my mom does and I have a idea of what she would say. Once again I don't believe in pro choice, its the womans body and they should do as they please with their body so don't come after me :)
If a woman has the right to choose to either keep the baby or to get rid of it. Then the woman should keep the baby because it's her responsibility. She chose to get pregnant now she must take care of it because it's like abandoning it.
or or
Incase of a survivor of you know. I know it's so frustrating but my mother has said this and it's have her keep the baby because it's not the baby's fault and the person should have been more careful. cause the kid didn't ask to born or created. (when she said this we got in such a big argument)
anyways I hope this is some help
If this is a essay just say. the Mayas most remarkable achievement was the number system and say how it cjanged the world I did this essay in 6th grade just talk about how the number system was a good achievement
One crazy thing he did was make it illegal for women to work, so they’d have more kids for the next war