Hilly towards flat.
Higher elevation toward lower elevation.
Clayey to sandy type of soil.
The land of Charlotte NC is hilly whereas coastal plains of North Carolina is flat. Charlotte NC is located at a high elevation while on the other hand, the coastal plains of North Carolina are located at the sea and at lower height. The soil type of Charlotte NC is clay and silt whereas the soil type of coastal plains of North Carolina is sandy due to the presence of sea.
B. Getting energy from sunshine.
having sunshine is very important because it is good for you and your body.
one time I was sick and I stayed inside all the time and my parents made me go outside because of fresh air and the sun, and I felt better the next day, I could actually get up and do something.
No, loses less water than usually than think
your not aloud to do tests on here or at least don't say that for next time.
Large, no polar organic molecules that don’t dissolve in water