Well I am not too sure but I'll just help you with an idea. What does it mean to be American? Hmm well being American is being original and true with idea and thoughts. Being American doesn't mean being just ONE race it is being many different races. What makes American is Different and Bold. It means being ONE together.
Ridicule is used to show the gullibility of the Russian citizens
"Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, laughter never ends
Wow, there are so many things I could think of. I would tell them that I am so proud of them for still working through it. You have to understand that people are always going to judge, that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do, but it will happen. Bullies are usually very insecure about themselves and like to bring other people down in the sense that it ‘brings them up’. Ignore it, let it roll off your shoulders because their comments? They mean nothing. Don’t give them the satisfaction of being hurt by it. If you don’t let it bother you they will eventually get bored because it doesn’t give them anything back. Be the bigger person. You got this!!