Answer:the virus seems to keep changing and adapting
For example they have found that it now attacks your kidneys heavily causing failure when in the beginning it did not
Apply the principle of parsimony
A cladogram is used to show or illustrate hypothetical speciation and relationships between species. They are commonly used to classify animals.
The principle of parsimony argues that the simplest of competing explanations is most likely to be correct.
In order to construct a cladogram that best reflects the evolutionary relationship of a group of species. Application of the principle of parsimony will help in deciding which tree is most likely to have occurred based on the fewest character state changes.
because they need foodi think
They found a direct and positive relationship between the student’s creativity scores and their neural connectivity most especially in frontal lobe. Extremely creative contributors failed to suppress activity in the precuneus while engaging in a working memory task signifying that creativity may benefit from the co-activation of execution control and default mode networks.