An adverb clause is a dependent clause that modifies a verb, adjective. They come before the noun or pronoun they modify.
-sorry if this doesn't help-
Motivation, time management, and creativity.
Motovation to keep the person striving for their goals to become a billionaire.
Time management so that they know not to procrastinate on urgent matters and start on their objective early on in life.
Creativity meaning an idea of some sorts to become a billionaire whether it be a brilliant investment or an amazing invention that everyone wants to have.
Malaysia's foreign policy is officially based on the principle of neutrality and maintaining peaceful relations with all countries, regardless of their ideology or political system, and to further develop relations with other countries in the region /// Dasar luar Malaysia secara rasminya berasaskan prinsip berkecuali dan mengekalkan hubungan aman dengan semua negara, tanpa mengira ideologi atau sistem politik mereka, dan untuk terus membangan hubungan dengan negara negara lain di rantau ini (hope this helps?)
converted to Islam or happly lived under Islamic rule. RACE Body Paragraph 2 The rapid spread of Islam greatly benefited from trade during the middle ages. For example, Mecca was an important trading crossroads for the Arabian Peninsula, "[v]ast camel trains, bearing spices, perfumes, precious metals, ivory and silk, filed through the town" (Doc A). Consequently, Islam starts in Mecca allowing the interactions between Muslims and non-Muslims traders to share informations between the two. there's 2 missing sentences in this paragraph need help to find the 2