Kennedy spoke his famous words, "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." This use of chiasmus can be seen even as a thesis statement of his speech – a call to action for the public to do what is right for the greater good.
The response is Option B: Establishing a national bank is an implied power of the federal government
Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury and he had encouraged Congress to pass a law establishing a national bank. This was, however, a controversial proposal as some states rejected the idea of having to compete with a national bank. The power to regulate commerce through an institution such as a national bank is implied on the part of the federal government, it is not a right or role specifically spelled out in the constitution. This ruling protected the rights of the federal government by not allowing states to do something like imposing a tax on national bank transactions.
Impeachment proceedings against the president came when Johnson breached the Tenure of Office Act by removing Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War, from the cabinet.
Enconmienda differed from slavery in that the Spanish designed the system partly as an economic one, but also as a means of civilizing/Christianizing the indigenous peoples of Latin America and the American Southwest. Slavery, on the other hand, was purely an economic system and instead of encompassing indigenous peoples, it involved the forced relocation of inhabitants of Africa to North and South America.
Through the Compromise of 1877 in which the Republican party agreed to remove Union troops from the South so that the South would recognize and respect the election of Rutherford B Hayes.