Roses are red violets are blue sugar is sweet and so are you.
Roses are red violets are blue faces like your belong in the zoo don't worry i'll be there too not in a cage but laughing at you.
Sorry i wanted to say both .They were just for fun.I don't mean them.
Strategies like "choose the best answer" mean that if the question was, for example, "in Charlottes web, how does Charlotte feel about the animals" the answers could then be:
a: she felt that they were here true friends
b: she liked them
c: she hated the animals
d: burrito
you know that d and c dont make any sense, but a and be are both correct. so which one is better? the one that is more detailed, but not just MORE detailed, but better detailed. so the answer would then be a
I am going to be a culinary chef in the navy and then open a bakery when I get out
the use them in a sentences.
<span>I don't feel well No me siento bien</span>