<span>autocracy or an monarchy</span>
The Vice President serves as a "back-up" to the President, who also serves as the Head of State (President of the Senate, presides over joint Congress sessions).
In the presidential line of succession, the Vice President is the second in command.
Interesting document.
It was issued by the German Foreign office (January 1917) proposing that Mexico should align itself with Germany in the even America enter the war. Germany was pleading for an alliance that would keep America busy dealing with an attack from the south. Fortunately it didn't work.
i would say it would be true but i dont know.
In the study of ancient history or theology the concept of "myths' is very important because in both of the fields and even in philosophy scholars always try to stretch the past to justify the present, in this sense myths are the carrier of perception of reality is a matter of debate among the scholars but it is very true that the mythological myths in all religions/civilisations posses a dogma of being sacred due to its longevity and moral ideas. On the basis of these two ideas can we argue that 'the construction of present reality' is under challenge because some how it has been associated with the idea of "myths" in the past.